Japanese / Multilingual

Dadh Baronr -- Universe of Baronh: Dadh Baronr


Welcome to Dadh Baronr, the website on a constructed language, Baronh. `Dadh Baronr' means `Universe of the Baronh' in this language.

Baronh itself means `the language of Abh' which is an artificial language used in a sci-fi novel Seikai no Monshou(Crest of the Stars) written by Morioka Hiroyuki and in other his works.

All the information on Baronh you find on our site is written in responsibility of our Cheif Editor, Sidryac Borgh=Racair Mauch. Grammaratical and etymological information is reconstructed by Sidryac and never authorized by Mr. Morioka Hiroyuki, the author of Seikai series except the editor put a note for his kindly supervising. Currently no contents in English haven't been supervised by Mr. Morioka.

Index for English contents

What's Baronh
An introduction for the most famous constructed language created by Japanese. What is Baronh? Who creates it? Where I find it? Such questions are answered in our brief introduction.
Elementary Baronh Grammar: a sketchy description on Baronh, specially on noun, pronoun and verb.
Links for other sites
Other sites Dadh Baronr recommends you.

For information in other languages, see our multilingual index.

"Why I got gibberish on Dadh Baronr?"

If you often read English(us-ascii) pages or other European languages ones(iso-8859-1) or somehow, and it is surely not Japanese, the gibberish you got is probably a Japanese text badly decoded.

Our website is mostly written in Japanese(euc-jp) and Baronh. For reading Japanese contents, you must turn Language Codeset on your browser into Japanese(euc-jp) or Japanese(auto-detect). On some environments (for example the case an UNIX user browses with a text browser like w3m on his shell), you need also to install Japanese font on your machine.

Some contents like this are however accessible without Japanese environment. Now we avail English, German, Italian and a few French contents. If you are interested in joining into our multilingualization team, contact us with e-mail.

Link policy

You are welcome to link our any page to your website though, we recommand you to link only out top page. We can't assure any other pages are there when you visit us again.

You have not to receive our written permission to link those pages, but our chief editor Sidryac Borgh=Racair Mauch and her team will be encouraged with your contact by e-mail.

Back to indexLatin / Japanese

Our contents are based on Morioka Hiroyuki's novels Seikai no Monchou(Crest of the Stars), Seikai no Senki(Banner of the Stars) and any other subsequence products. See also our bibliography(in Japanese).
First publification: 5/14/2001
Copyright and contact information is available. URL: http://dadh-baronr.s5.xrea.com/intl/en/index.html